Stream Murred Twitch

Hazırda aktiv yayım yoxdur, lakin siz kanalınızı twitch-də işlədə bilərsiniz. Yayımınız saytın bütün səhifələrində mövcud olacaq. Tg-yə yazın: murred
Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: tm1exe1alis
Pickle x1000: xcv2pac
Pickle x1000: aces_folder

Discord Murred Discord

Onlayn: 62
Yaradıldı: 22.09.2022

Tomato x100

  • Status:
  • Vaxt:
  • Oyun:
  • Qala: ACES
  • CryWolf: Müdafiə deyil
  • TOP 1:

Pickle x1000

Hadisələr cədvəli

Server xəbərləri

Barracs, Barbarian Claw, Mu Online, Cash Shop, Mu Online x5

Göndərilib 16.07.2012 00:00:00

Changes on x150:

  • Increased the maximum reset from 215 to 250, the amount of zen is also required, but for each reset from 215 to 250 you will receive 7 Credits.
  • In Erohim (boss of Land of Trial), added stones Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Luck and not Excellent: Bone Blade, Grand Viper Staff, Explosion Blade, Sylph Wind Bow, Soley Scepter.
  • Added jewel of Excellent and Jewel of Luck stones to Cash Shop, removed coins.
  • added Barbarian Claw to the drop on all maps, it is collected in bundles, then you can sell it to the store and get 1 GEM for 1 piece.
  • Removed the service of exchanging Credits for GEM.
  • In kalimah, the HP of monsters is lowered.
Changes on x5:
  • Increased the chance of Barbarian Clawby 1.5 times.
  • Reduced the cost of the global chat /post to 1,000,000 zen.
Changes on all servers:
  • Illusion Temple tickets added to Lorencia's store<
  • Now you won't miss Barbarian Claw! It has yellow lettering and a distinctive stone sound when dropped.
  • Changed the principle of collecting Barbarian Claw, now to collect in a pack, you need to transfer one to another.
  • Changed the wings skin to Magic Gladiator, to standard.
  • the
  • fixed the entrance to the Barracs for completion of the 3 profession.
  • On the site, in the service of exchange of things, a restriction is introduced - no more than 1 thing per day.


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