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Mu Online Knowledge Base

Ancient items Date last modified: 26.03.2023

Ancient sets - ancient sets of things in the world of MU Online, which have improved parameters and some set options. On our server Mu Online you can get them in the following ways: Each set consists of various things, and also has its own name, which will help you collect all the necessary things. The main feature of Ancient items is that set options are not added immediately, but as you put on the items that are included in the set. That is, with each item worn on the character, one (or several) options are added. In order for all options to work, you must wear all the items included in the Ancient set. All working and non-working options can be viewed by hovering over any of the set items. Options that work will be displayed in blue, and those that don't work will be greyed out. You can also see the working options by hovering over the inscription [Ancient Options], which is located in the inventory above the helmet slot.
Warrior Leather Set
Warrior Leather Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Strength +10
    (Adding to Strenght +10 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Attack Rate +10
    (Increased chance to deal damage +10)
4 things options:
  • Increase Maximum AG +20
    (Increase max AG +20)
Options 5 things:
  • AG Increase Rate +5
    (AG recovery increase +5)
Options 6 things:
  • Increase Defense +20
    (Increase Defense +20)
Full set options:
  • Increase Agility +10
    (Add to Agility +10 points)
  • Increase Critical Damage rate +5%
    (Increased Critical Hit Chance +5% (damage color is blue))
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +5%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +5% (Damage Color Green))
  • Increase Strength +25
    (Adding to Strenght +25 points)
Components of the set:
  • Warrior Leather Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Warrior Leather Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Warrior Leather Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Warrior Leather Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Warrior Leather Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Warrior Morning Star (+5...10 Strenght)
  • Warrior Ring of Ice (+5...10 Agility)
Hyperion Bronze Set
Hyperion Bronze Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
Full set options:
  • Increase Agility +15
    (Add to Agility +15 points)
  • Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20
    (Increased Magic Damage Chance +20)
  • Increase Maximum Mana +30
    (Increase max mana +30)
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
Components of the set:
  • Hyperion Bronze Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Hyperion Bronze Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Hyperion Bronze Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
Eplete Scale Set
Eplete Scale Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Attack Skill +15
    (Magic Damage +15)
3 things options:
  • Increase Attack +50
    (Damage Up +50)
4 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +5%
    (Magic Damage Increase +5%)
Full set options:
  • Increase Maximum Life +50
    (Max Health Increase +50)
  • Increase Maximum AG +30
    (Increase max AG +30)
  • Increase Critical Damage Rate +10%
    (Increased Critical Chance +10% (damage color is blue))
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +10%)
Components of the set:
  • Eplete Scale Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Eplete Scale Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Eplete Scale Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Eplete Plate Shield (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Eplete Pendant of Lightning (+5...10 Energy)
Garuda Brass Set
Garuda Brass Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Maximum Stamina +30
    (Max Stamina Increase +30)
3 things options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +5%
    (Double Damage Chance +5%)
4 things options:
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
Full set options:
  • Increase Maximum Life +50
    (Max Health Increase +50)
  • Increase Skill Attack Rate +25
    (Magic Damage Chance +25)
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +15%
    (Magic Damage Increase +15%)
Components of the set:
  • Garuda Brass Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Garuda Brass Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Garuda Brass Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Garuda Brass Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Garuda Pendant of Fire (+5...10 Strenght)
Kantata Plate Set
Kantata Plate Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Vitality +30
    (Adding +30 points to Vitality)
4 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +10%
    (Magic Damage +10%)
Full set options:
  • Increase Strength +15
    (Adding to Strenght +15 points)
  • Increase Skill Damage +25
    (Magic Damage +25)
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +10%)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +20
    (Excellent damage increase +20)
Components of the set:
  • Kantata Plate Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Kantata Plate Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Kantata Plate Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Kantata Ring of Poison (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Kantata Ring of Wind (+5...10 Agility)
Hyon Dragon Set
Hyon Dragon Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Defense +25
    (Increase Defense +25)
3 things options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +10%
    (Double Damage Chance +10%)
Full set options:
  • Increase Skill Damage +20
    (Magic Damage +20)
  • Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%
    (Increased Critical Damage +15%)
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +15%)
  • Increase Critical Damage +20
    (Critical Damage Increase +20)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +20
    (Excellent damage increase +20)
Components of the set:
  • Hyon Dragon Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Hyon Dragon Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Hyon Dragon Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Hyon Lightning Sword (+5...10 Strenght)
Apollo Pad Set
Apollo Pad Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Energy +10
    (Addition to Energy +10 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +5%
    (Magic Damage Increase +5%)
4 things options:
  • Increase Attacking Skill +10
    (Increase attack skill +10)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Maximum Mana +30
    (Increase max mana +30)
Options 6 things:
  • Increase Maximum Life +30
    (Max Health Increase +30)
Options of 7 things:
  • Increase Maximum AG +20
    (Increase max AG +20)
Full set options:
  • Increase Critical Damage +10
    (Critical Damage Increase +10)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +10
    (Excellent damage increase +10)
  • Increase Energy +30
    (Added to Energy +30 points)
Components of the set:
  • Apollo Pad Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Apollo Pad Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Apollo Pad Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Apollo Pad Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Apollo Skull Staff (+5...10 Strenght)
  • Apollo Pendant of Ice (+5...10 Strenght)
  • Apollo Ring of Magic
Evis Bone Set
Evis Bone Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Attacking Skill +15
    (Increase attack skill +15)
3 things options:
  • Increase Stamina +20
    (Max Stamina Increase +20)
4 things options:
  • Increase Wizardly Damage +10%
    (Increase magic attack +10%)
Full set options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +5%
    (Double Damage Chance +5%)
  • Increase Damage Success Rate +50
    (Increase damage chance +50)
  • Increase AG Regeneration Rate +5
    (AG recovery increase +5)
Components of the set:
  • Evis Bone Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Evis Bone Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Evis Bone Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Evis Pendant of Wind
Heras Sphinx Set
Heras Sphinx Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Strength +15
    (Adding to Strenght +15 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +10%
    (Magic Damage +10%)
4 things options:
  • Increase Defensive Skill When Equipped With Shield +5%
    (Increase in defense skill when equipped with a shield +5%)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
Options 6 things:
  • Increase Attack Success Rate +50
    (Increased attack chance +50)
Full set options:
  • Increase Critical Damage Rate +10%
    (Increased Critical Chance +10% (Damage Color Blue))
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +10% (Damage Color Green))
  • Increase Maximum Life +50
    (Increase max health +50)
  • Increase Maximum Mana +50
    (Increase max mana +50)
Components of the set:
  • Heras Sphinx Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Heras Sphinx Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Heras Sphinx Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Heras Sphinx Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Heras Sphinx Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Heras Skull Shield (+5...10 Vitality)
Anubis Legendary Set
Anubis Legendary Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +10%
    (Double Damage Chance +10%)
3 things options:
  • Increase Maximum Mana +50
    (Increase max mana +50)
4 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +10%
    (Magic Damage +10%)
Full set options:
  • Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%
    (Increased Critical Chance +15% (Damage Color Blue))
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +15% (Damage Color Green))
  • Increase Critical Damage +20
    (Critical Damage Increase +20)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +20
    (Excellent damage increase +20)
Components of the set:
  • Anubis Legendary Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Anubis Legendary Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Anubis Legendary Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Anubis Ring of Fire (+5...10 Energy)
Ceto Vine Set
Ceto Vine Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Agility +10
    (Addition to Agility +10 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +10%
    (Magic Damage +10%)
4 things options:
  • Increase Defensive Skill +20
    (Increase Defense Skill +20)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Defensive Skill While Using Shields +5%
    (Increase in defense skill when equipped with a shield +5%)
Options 6 things:
  • Increase Energy +10
    (Addition to Energy +10 points)
Full set options:
  • Increases Maximum Life +50
    (Max Health Increase +50)
  • Increase Strength +20
    (Adding to Strenght +20 points)
Components of the set:
  • Ceto Vine Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Ceto Vine Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Ceto Vine Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Ceto Vine Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Ceto Rapier (+5...10 Strenght)
  • Ceto Ring of Earth (+5...10 Strenght)
Gaia Silk Set
Gaia Silk Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Attacking Skill +10
    (Increase attack skill +10)
3 things options:
  • Increase Maximum Mana +25
    (Increase max mana +25)
4 things options:
  • Increase Strength +10
    (Adding to Strenght +10 points)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +5%
    (Double Damage Chance +5%)
Full set options:
  • Increases Agility +30
    (Add to Agility +30 points)
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +10%)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +10
    (Excellent damage increase +10)
Components of the set:
  • Gaia Silk Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaia Silk Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaia Silk Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaia Silk Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaia Golden Crossbow (+5...10 Agility)
Odin Wind Set
Odin Wind Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Energy +15
    (Addition to Energy +15 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Maximum Life +50
    (Increase max health +50)
4 things options:
  • Increase Attack Success Rate +50
    (Increased attack chance +50)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Agility +30
    (Adding +30 points to Agility)
Full set options:
  • Increase Maximum Mana +50
    (Increase max mana +50)
  • Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill +5%
    (5% chance to hit the enemy while ignoring defense)
  • Increase Maximum AG +50
    (Increase max AG +50)
Components of the set:
  • Odin Wind Helm (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Odin Wind Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Odin Wind Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Odin Wind Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Odin Wind Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
Argo Spirit Set
Argo Spirit Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Agility +30
    (Addition to Agility +30 points)
3 things options:
  • Increase Strength +30
    (Adding to Strenght +30 points)
Full set options:
  • Increase Attacking Skill +25
    (Increase attack skill +25)
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +5%
    (Double Damage Chance +5%)
Components of the set:
  • Argo Spirit Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Argo Spirit Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Argo Spirit Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
Gywen Guardian Set
Gywen Guardian Set 2 things options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +10%
    (Double Damage Chance +10%)
3 things options:
  • Increase Agility +30
    (Addition to Agility +30 points)
4 things options:
  • Increase Minimum Attacking Skill +20
    (Increase minimum attack skill +20)
Options 5 things:
  • Increase Maximum Attacking Skill +20
    (Increase max attack skill +20)
Full set options:
  • Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%
    (Increased Critical Chance +15% (Damage Color Blue))
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +15% (Damage Color Green)
  • Increase Critical Damage +20
    (Critical Damage Increase +20)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +20
    (Excellent damage increase +20)
Components of the set:
  • Gywen Guardian Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gywen Guardian Gloves (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gywen Guardian Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gywen Silver Bow (+5...10 Agility)
  • Gywen Pendant of Ability
Gaion Storm Crow Set
Gaion Storm Crow Set 2 things options:
  • Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill +5%
    (5% chance to hit the enemy while ignoring defense)
3 things options:
  • Increase Double Damage Rate +15%
    (Double Damage Chance +15%)
4 things options:
  • Increase Attacking Skill +15
    (Increase attack skill +15)
Full set options:
  • Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
    (Excellent Damage Chance +15% (Damage Color Green)
  • Increase Excellent Damage +30
    (Excellent damage increase +30
  • Increase Wizardry Damage +20%
    (Magic Damage +20%)
  • Increase Strength +30
    (Adding to Strenght +30 points)
Components of the set:
  • Gaion Storm Crow Armor (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaion Storm Crow Pants (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaion Storm Crow Boots (+5...10 Vitality)
  • Gaion Pendant of Water (+5...10 Vitality)

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