Stream Murred Twitch

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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: tm1exe1alis
Pickle x1000: xcv2pac
Pickle x1000: aces_folder

Discord Murred Discord

Pe net: 64
Creată: 22.09.2022

Tomato x100

  • Stare:
  • Timp:
  • În joc:
  • Castelul: ACES
  • CryWolf: Nu este protejat
  • TOP 1:

Pickle x1000

Programul evenimentului

Știri Server

An Nou Fericit! În noul an și la sfârșitul celui de ieșire, vom continua să ne concentrăm asupra modulelor existente, cu alte cuvinte, pentru a lustrui setările existente, deoarece unele părți ale sistemului de joc funcționează parțial/ incorect sau deloc. A doua parte a actualizării va fi disponibilă în ianuarie-februarie, în momentul în care lucrăm la completarea unui nou sistem de căutări secvențiale (partea software a acesteia este finalizată, o parte din umplere rămâne). Da, ne mișcăm mai încet decât era planificat, dar mai bine. Vă suntem recunoscători pentru înțelegerea întârzierilor în actualizări și pentru a rămâne cu noi. În noul an, vă dorim succes personal, resetări rapide și un joc distractiv, An Nou fericit!

Publicat 29.12.2018 00:00:00

Happy new year! In the New year, and at the end of the outgoing year, we will continue to focus on existing modules, in other words, to Polish the existing settings, because some parts of the game system work partially / incorrectly or are not involved at all. The second part of the update will be available in January-February, at the moment we are working on filling the new system of sequential quests (the software part of it is completed, part of the filling remains). Yes, we are moving more slowly than we planned, but we are doing better. We are grateful to You for understanding the delays in updates and staying with us. In the New year, we wish you personal success, quick resets and a fun game, happy new year!

 Happy New year!

Making a snowman

In the center of Devias'a, near the Christmas tree, there is a small snowman, when you click on it You will get increased experience and zen from monsters for a period of 1 hour (the buff icon will appear on top). The bigger the snowman, the more experience and zen will be given. In order for the snowman to grow, you need to collect New Year stars that fall out of all the monsters. The 30 most responsible and dedicated players will receive personal rewards from 100 WMZ to 5 Credits. In addition, if the server players manage to make a snowman above the Christmas tree before the end of the event, the server administration will issue an additional reward to all players in the form of a VIP account for 30 days.

  • The event will start from December 30, 10: 00 to January 10, 23: 59, taking into account the break (from December 31, 17: 00 to January 1, 17: 00);
  • Your task is to collect (click the mouse on the item) as many new year stars as possible: New Year Star;
  • Statistics collected by New Year Star are displayed here;
  • New year's stars can be stolen from other players. No waiting time to pick up the item;
  • New year's stars are collected immediately, You will not see them in the inventory, respectively, there is nothing to transfer in the trade;
  • New year's stars fall everywhere, but the most popular knockout spot among players is Blood Castle, stock up on tickets!
  • During the break (from December 31, 17:00 to January 1, 17:00), the snowman will not give bonus experience and zen;
  • After the end of the quest and during the break (from December 31, 17:00 to January 1, 17:00), new year's stars will not fall out.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants with the end of the quest, the entire server has made a decent snowman and is really higher than the Christmas tree, for which we give you the promised 30 days of VIP'a. All prizes for collecting stars were awarded.

30 prizes from 100 WMZ to 5 Credits
  • 1st place - 100 WMZ< / li>
  • 2nd place - 50 WMZ
  • 3rd place - 700 Credits
  • place 4 - 600 Credits
  • 5 - 500 Credits
  • 6 - 380 Credits
  • 7 - 320 Credits
  • 8 - 270 Credits
  • 9 - 250 Credits
  • 10th place - 220 Credits
  • 11 - 190 Credits
  • 12 - 180 Credits
  • 13 - 170 Credits
  • 14 - 160 Credits
  • 15 - 150 Credits
  • 16 - 140 Credits
  • 17 - 130 Credits
  • 18 - 120 Credits
  • 19th place - 110 Credits
  • 20 - 100 Credits
  • 21 - 90 Credits
  • 22 - 80 Credits
  • 23 - 70 Credits
  • 24 - 60 Credits
  • 25 - 50 Credits
  • 26 - 40 Credits
  • 27 place - 30 Credits
  • 28 - 20 Credits
  • 29th place - 10 Credits
  • 30th place - 5 Credits

Medusa MATRANG'a

Medusa MATRANG'a could not buy two ferry tickets and will start to arrange a Starfall under the neon rain on December 31 at 18: 00 in Devias'e. But Medusa is not alone, with her company of money, they change the city, appearing near each player and giving each bream. The task is to deal with drunken Santa Claus. In the center of the screen will be written how many of them are left. Until all Santa Claus is killed, don't even try to invite Medusa to your party. From each tipsy Santa Claus, you can knock out small buns in the form of stones and bundles of stones. The winner is the player who delivered the last, fatal blow, his name will be announced automatically in the center of the screen.
Jellyfish killer gets 1000 Credits.
Winner: Kennym


And a small selection of screenshots from the last New year.

Promotions and gifts!

  • Discount in the store 10% on all items until January 10;
  • Until January 20, when buying credits (or wmz), 10% as a gift!
  • From December 30, from 12: 00, every 30-40 minutes, the draw will start 50 promo codes with a discount from 5 to 10%. Promo codes provide a discount in the store, you must enter the code on store page. One code is assigned to one player, the other can no longer use it. You will not be able to summarize the codes. Promo discount is valid until 15.01.2019;
  • From December 30 from 12: 30, every 50-60 minutes, a Happy New Year Box will be given to a random player. From the box, you can get a thing like in Kundun Box +4 and K +5, Kundun from Kalima 7 and Excellent weapons (Bone Blade, Grand Viper Staff, etc.). The nickname of the player who received the prize is written in the center of the screen. The prize will automatically appear in the inventory if there is room, otherwise it will fall under the character. A total of 120 GM boxes will be donated. Players who are offline, offline trading/pumping can not receive a prize;
  • All players will receive a VIP for a period of 30 days if the snowman is higher than the Christmas tree (if the VIP is already available, it will be extended);

Minor changes

  • standard monsters have been returned to Dungeon 2, and spots have been added to Dungeon 1-3;
  • in Lorencia: removed too large spot of spiders, dragons. Skeleton moved to the cemetery, Lich to the forest;
  • the amount of experience given for killing zombies in the Arena is balanced relative to the level of protection and HP of the monster;
  • the old quest system is disabled before the new one is introduced.
Compact schedule of new year's events

  • Making a snowman: from December 30, 10: 00 to January 10, 23: 59, taking into account the break (from December 31, 17:00 to January 1, 17:00, the stars will not fall out);
  • Promo codes: December 30 from 12: 00;
  • Happy New Year Box: December 30 from 12: 30;
  • Medusa soldiers: December 31 at 18: 00;
  • Battle with Medusa: after the murder of Santa Claus;
The server will be restarted on December 29, 2018 at 19: 00-20: 00.


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