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FAQ - Useful information about Mu Online

Mu Online Knowledge Base

Party (Gold party) Date last modified: 26.03.2023

In the game Mu Online there is the possibility of joint leveling of several characters - it is called party(party, group). At the same time, experience is shared among all party members, and it also becomes possible to send messages visible only to party members.
About the party
A Party can consist of 2 to 5 participants. Creator of the group (party) - one, the rest are members. The creator can accept new members to the group and exclude them from there. He can also destroy the group.

Party is divided into:
  • Normal - from 2 to 5 participants, there is no composition BK + SM + ME. Example: 2 MG + 3 BK or SM + BK + MG + BK.
  • Gold - increased experience is given (shown in the table below), consists of 3 participants, 3 races are required: BK + SM + ME, when new members appear in the party, the experience decreases according to the table. Example: SM + BK + ME + DL or SM + SM + BK + ME.
  • Mega Gold - 5 participants, all races must be different. Required: BK + SM + ME + DL + MG
Creating a party
Create a party using the menu. To do this, press the Latin D key and select the Party tab. Then you need to hover over the character to whom you would like to offer a party, and right-click on it. After that, the character to whom you propose a party will have a selection dialog box where he can accept or refuse.
If the character agrees, a party indicator appears in the upper right corner, in which the names of the participants and their health levels are indicated. The creator of the group is always listed first. If you want to leave the party, you must press the Latin P key and cross, as shown in the figure.
To send a message to party members, you must specify the symbol ~ at the beginning, for example: ~Hello World! - the text will be highlighted on a blue background.
Experience Gain
Self leveling (solo level) = 100%

Number of Members Experience gained (in %, each participant receives)
Regular party Gold party Mega gold party
2 80 - -
3 80 105 -
4 75 100 -
5 75 95 110
Party restore function
This function will be useful if you are in a party and you have break the connection with the server. When you enter the game, you will automatically be restored to the party if:
  • Party will not be already filled (5 members);
  • No more than 60 minutes have passed since the connection was disconnected;
Also, the function will be useful if you decide to take part in Devias Arena and TvT events where no party is required. After the end of the event, you will automatically be restored to the Party. If the Party Master breaks the party, or his connection to the server is disconnected, then the next player in the list (in the second position from the top) becomes the new party master. The information is the property of the site
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