Stream Murred Twitch

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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: xcv2pac
Pickle x1000: aces_folder
Pickle x1000: fan2amas

Discord Murred Discord

Online: 33
Created: 22.09.2022

Tomato x100

  • Status:
  • Time:
  • In game:
  • Castle: ACES
  • CryWolf: Not protected
  • TOP 1:

Pickle x1000

Event schedule

Server news

Announcement of the next update

Published by 18.01.2018 00:00:00

The reboot will be on 25.01.2018 at 23: 40, offline leveling will be enabled, 3 spots in Aida will be added, as well as the 3rd penalty for killing at night.
The upcoming update will include:

  • There will be a replacement of 4 spots in the Arena, 2 spots of Tantallos and 2 spots of Vim Knight will be added, instead of Bloody Wolf and Iron Wheel;
  • The last spot in Icarus'e-Gaint Drakan will be fixed (mobs appear far from each other);
  • Experience, defense, HP and attack will be increased on the Aida card, according to the listed parameters, the card will partially duplicate Icarus (this will help to unload it);
  • the Witch Queen, Blue Golem, Death Rider spot will be added To Aida (there are 10 of them in total, including the new one);
  • Will added missing spots on the maps Kalima (lacking penultimate - Blood Soldier, will be added to the penultimate, which lacks the last to be added last - Death Centurion);
  • In Land of Trial, the Queen Bee spot will be built more compactly;
  • All x1000 spots (except Arena) are assigned to X100 spots;
  • Redesigned and added spots in Kantru 3;
  • The penalty for killing at night will be increased, instead of 1 kill, 3 will be added;
  • offline leveling will be fixed;
  • You will be able to change the nickname on the site for 500 GEM;
  • The Raven's attack (for DL) on monsters will be increased;
  • Returning the guard to Icarus;
  • We also continue to work on the game client crashes (usually this happens due to 2-3 Windows with the clicker enabled), if that unsubscribe to us on Skype or on the forum;
  • When you click on PvP Mode, a dialog box appears;
  • Fixed the display time of quests from QM.

In parallel, we are working on other updates (this update will not include):
  • Restoring the clicker settings during reconnect;
  • Search party, the adoption of password recovery when the server goes down;
  • Purchase / sale of characters for in-game currency (currently only under consideration).


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