Stream Murred Twitch

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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: xcv2pac
Pickle x1000: aces_folder
Pickle x1000: fan2amas

Discord Murred Discord

Online: 34
Created: 22.09.2022

Tomato x100

  • Status:
  • Time:
  • In game:
  • Castle: ACES
  • CryWolf: Not protected
  • TOP 1:

Pickle x1000

Event schedule

Server news

Coupon system implemented

Published by 08.08.2020 00:00:00

  • implemented a coupon system. Now, when passing the Wave, special coupons will be issued: for changing the nickname, race and setting options (when passing from 6 to 7 Waves), in the future it can be expanded.
    Coupons can be obtained from infrequent quests or auctions conducted by QM. A coupon for setting an option can be issued for a specific option or for any, for a specific type of things (for example, weapons) or for any.
    the Coupon can be used not immediately, but within the specified period (depending on the type of coupon, the coupon for changing the race - 1 day, changing the nickname - 3 days, setting the option - 15 days).
    If you have a VIP account at the time of issuing the coupon, the coupon period will be 2 times longer;
  • The site provides the following services: setting options for things, nickname changes and race changes.
  • Service passing of the Wave is corrected, now there is less confusion when setting the class and nickname. Also added the ability to reset the quest sequence, if desired;
  • Added an old and simple event Loren Deep Event, at 19:00 on the map Loren Deep below the bridge and behind the bridge every 3 minutes there are monsters, first weaker, then stronger, only 5 waves. On the 5th wave, Erohim joins the attack on the castle, you have 8 minutes to kill him, otherwise he will disappear along with his army. In total, the event lasts 20 minutes. Also, during the attack, special mobs can appear, they look like ordinary ones, but with a silver glow, for their murder they give Jewel of Bless;
  • Arena changes:
    • Mobs don't run away on all spots now; /li>
    • Added spot Forest Orc (66x65);
    • Added death Rider spot (50x94);
    • Added iron well spot (52x44);
    • Added phantom Knight spot (35x79);
    • Added Sprinter Wolf spot (15x79);
    • Added iron Rider spot (14x58);
    • Added kentauros spot (95x60);
    • Added spot Great Drakan (14x43);
    • Kipcher spot (11x38) moved to 70x35;
    • Rock Shadow spot (11x56) moved to 87x17;
    • Spirit Knight spot (46x94) moved to 48x71;
    • Balanced spot Mutant and Bloody Wolf (52x61).
  • fixed a bug where sometimes 2 Kundun boxes could fall to the same character;
  • Fixed a bug where in guest mode and the established ban on trade, the guest had the opportunity to buy things in personal stores;
  • Fixed the ability to disable and enable the guest password, so that you do not have to delete it and create it again. Also fixed the request for a verification code in the guest password service;
  • Optimized the site's performance, became faster.
The update is already available on the site. The server restart is scheduled for 13.08.2020 at 17: 00.


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