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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: xcv2pac
Pickle x1000: aces_folder
Pickle x1000: fan2amas

Discord Murred Discord

Online: 34
Created: 22.09.2022

Tomato x100

  • Status:
  • Time:
  • In game:
  • Castle: ACES
  • CryWolf: Not protected
  • TOP 1:

Pickle x1000

Event schedule

Server news


Published by 11.03.2021 14:49:36


  • Significantly increased the probability of dropping normal items with luck/skill/option, Excellent items with luck/option (with normal monsters, does not apply to bosses);
  • Normal items with a level up to +6 were removed from the drop in Blood Castle and Devil Square;
  • Blood Castle now runs every hour;
  • Fixed DS Reward Box dropping from bosses in Devil Square 6;
  • Fixed the appearance of bosses in Devil Square 5 and 6. Previously, they appeared at the same point. Now they will be in different parts of the map;
  • Removed the increase in the range of drawing monsters in Blood Castle. For Devil Square, it is limited to the maximum value-2. The increase in the rendering range, as before, can be found in the settings in the Graphics tab. To open the settings, press F9 or the gear in the upper left corner;
  • Fixed an issue where a character could attack from an urban area (requires player feedback);
  • When you reach level 400 on wave 8, the player returns to normal experience and as a result, the normal number of Zen drops. Previously, it was necessary to make a re-selection of the character;
  • The probability of dropping Excellent items from ordinary monsters is increased by 2 times;
  • Added new spots:
    • Dungeon 2 - Ghost, Hell Hound, Elite Skeleton;
    • Dungeon 3 - Poison Bull Fighter, Thunder Lich;
    • Atlans 2 - Valkyrie;
    • Atlans 3 - Silver Valkyrie;
    • Lost Tower 1 - Poison Shadow;
    • Lost Tower 3 - Cursed Wizard, Death Cow;
    • Kantru 1 - Berserk;
    • Kantru 3 - Persona, Twin Tail, Dreadfear.
  • Increased the number of monsters on the Balrog, Hydra, Death Beam Knight, Phoenix of Darkness spots;
  • Increased the number of monsters to kill in the quest system:Hydra - 200, Zaikan - 400, Hell Maine - 40;
  • Reduced regeneration time:
    • Hydra, Zaikan up to 10 seconds;
    • Death Beam Knight, Hell Main, Phoenix of Darkness up to 60 seconds.
  • Fixed incorrect display of party participants in the Party Matching window. To open the party search box, press L on the keyboard;
  • Increased probability of Silver Treasure Box dropout. In which you can find ordinary high-level items, and in some gems;
  • Added Anti-tag Mode. When activated (key Insert), the characters no longer draw wings, weapons, and related effects. This mode will be further developed
  • Added a new Health Bar for monsters. The Health Bar for bosses remains visible for another 3 seconds after the player has moved the mouse away from it;
  • In the MURRED Menu (the A button in the game), the Add Stats sub-item has been added the ability to quickly distribute Smart add stats.
    When clicked, the game automatically distributes the free skill points.
    The priority of skills depends on the class:
    • Wizard - Energy -> Agility -> Strength -> Vitality;
    • Knight - Strength -> Agility -> Energy -> Vitality;
    • Elf - Agility -> Strength -> Energy -> Vitality;
    • Gladiator - Strength -> Agility -> Energy -> Vitality;
    • Lord - Strength -> Agility -> Energy -> Leadership -> Vitality;
  • Now when you click on the score entry field in Add Stats, the previous value is deleted and the field becomes empty;
  • Added the ability to move the camera away on the Loren Deep map;
  • As the camera moves away, the clicker's scatter circle decreases. This will fix the character running away on the autoclicker;
  • Fixed Zen selection by the built-in clicker;
  • Improved the Daily Quest interface. When you click on the Reward button, a unique melody is played. Also, the chest remains closed until the reward is received. This should help players remember to collect their reward;
  • Returned the standard view of the Poison and Ice animations. They are more familiar and less slow down the game;
  • Added a clicker button near the settings button. It displays the states of the clicker F7 (right-click) or F8 (smart clicker). When clicked, you can start or stop the F6 clicker;
  • Summer Lorencia returned.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed unscrupulous players to transfer items with 4 or more options to another account. Additionally, a check was carried out for the legal location of things purchased in the store, all things were returned to their rightful owners;
  • Added protection against Disconnect Hack;
  • Improved Speedhack protection;
  • Other work has been carried out that will complicate the life of cheaters.
The server is scheduled to restart on 12.03.2021.


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