Stream Murred Twitch

There are no active streams right now, but you can run your channel on twitch. Your stream will be available on all pages of the site. Write to tg: murred
Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: tm1exe1alis
Pickle x1000: c0ldrage
Pickle x1000: maybahov1996
Pickle x1000: aces_folder

Discord Murred Discord

Online: 24
Created: 22.09.2022

Pickle x1000

Event schedule

Server news

New server without donation!

Published by 13.01.2013 00:00:00

For the first time! You will find here a non-existent server! Why not an existing one? Can you believe in:

    No donate, ZERO, VIP server, VIP cards, VIP slots (although we have never had vip spots and maps), and no povyshalos experience. Items are bought only from other players, the store is completely removed. The experience boost will not be available. The server will be free, without any monthly subscription fee. And frankly, we don't know what to get a donation from such a server for, but the idea of a bottomless server is stronger than making a profit.

  • The experience will be changed from x5 to x15.
  • the character database will be cleared as a result of popular vote and switch the server to a no-limit mode. Anyone can transfer their belongings from X5 to X150 or x1000.
  • "OFFLINE LEVELING " or OFFEXP - this is when the character continues to swing, but your computer is turned off. The time of such pumping is limited to 10 hours (the value may change). It is necessary to remember that you can be killed and the character will not return to the spot, or things can break and consider that you are attacking without weapons. While working on offline pumping, namely on the convenience of a circular clicker.
  • Referrals will be disabled due to the new "OFFLINE PUMPING" feature.
  • About game changes, such as: spots, drop, etc. , as well as offer your own, you can discuss in this " .
  • About opening dates: first we will configure, we will take into account the wishes written in this topic and invite those who want to Test, see the changes, fix errors, etc. Then there is a specific launch date.


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