Stream Murred Twitch

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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
Pickle x1000: smehuhuk
Pickle x1000: nagohok1
Pickle x1000: tm1exe1alis
Pickle x1000: c0ldrage
Pickle x1000: maybahov1996
Pickle x1000: aces_folder

Discord Murred Discord

Online: 26
Created: 22.09.2022

Pickle x1000

Event schedule

Server news

Happy 2018!

Published by 29.12.2017 00:00:00

Dear players, in the New year we wish you a comfortable and enjoyable game, we try to make it just like this. Strive to energetically expand your potential in your chosen activities, as well as in the world of MU! We have prepared for You a series of festive events, discounts and gifts!

Happy New year!

Medusa Soldiers

The event will start on December 31 at 19: 00. The insidious jellyfish decided to spoil the New Year and sent its soldiers in Santa Claus costumes, your task is to prevent the jellyfish from carrying out its insidious plans and fight with its soldiers. Near each player there will be a zombie Santa Claus, the task is to kill the deceiver. In the center of the screen will be written how many of them are left. Until all the scammers are killed, Medusa will feel that the server is weak and will not appear. With each fake Santa Claus, you can knock out small buns in the form of stones and packs of stones.

Battle with Medusa

The event will start immediately after killing all the fake Santa Claus, on the Devias map (222x82). The winner is the player who delivered the last, fatal blow, his name will be announced automatically in the center of the screen.
Jellyfish killer gets 1000 Credits.

Eat fruit

The loss of fruit will be resumed at 14:00 server time.
The event will start on January 2 at 10: 00 (ending on 10.01.2017 at 23: 59). Your task is to eat (click the mouse on the item) as many fruits as possible: Energy Fruit, Command Fruit, Stamina Fruit, Strength Fruit, Agility Fruit. Statistics of fruit eaten are displayed here.
30 prizes from 1000 to 5 Credits.
Detailed description

  • Fruits can be stolen from other players. No waiting time to pick up the item;
  • Fruits are eaten immediately, You will not see them in the inventory, respectively, there is nothing to transfer in the trade;
  • You can't cook fruit (using Creation and Jewel of Chaos) in Chaos Machine, there is a ban;
  • Fruit drops everywhere, but the most popular knockout spot among players is Blood Castle, stock up on tickets!
  • After the end time of the quest, the fruit drop will stop.
30 prizes:
  • 1st place - 1,000 Credits
  • 2nd place - 700 Credits
  • 3rd place - 500 Credits
  • place 4 - 400 Credits
  • 5 - 300 Credits
  • 6 - 280 Credits
  • 7 - 260 Credits
  • 8 - 240 Credits
  • 9 - 220 Credits
  • 10th place - 200 Credits
  • 11 - 190 Credits
  • 12 - 180 Credits
  • 13 - 170 Credits
  • 14 - 160 Credits
  • 15 - 150 Credits
  • 16 - 140 Credits
  • 17 - 130 Credits
  • 18 - 120 Credits
  • 19th place - 110 Credits
  • 20 - 100 Credits
  • 21 - 90 Credits
  • 22 - 80 Credits
  • 23 - 70 Credits
  • 24 - 60 Credits
  • 25 - 50 Credits
  • 26 - 40 Credits
  • 27 place - 30 Credits
  • 28 - 20 Credits
  • 29th place - 10 Credits
  • 30th place - 5 Credits< /li>

Guess the phrase

The event will start on December 30 at 10: 00. All monsters will drop the item Magic Wordbook, on which one of the letters is written. Your task is to collect all the letters (from all the words), combine them correctly and write a phrase in the chat using a slash, for example: /happy new year
Prize: 1500 Credits, every day the prize grows by 100 Credits.
UPD: hints will be published here and on forum, starting from December 31 at 12: 00, the interval between prompts is on average 1-3 days.

  • First hint: for x100-a phrase of 4 words, 17 letters (including repetitions). For x1000-a phrase of 3 words, 10 letters (including repetitions);
  • Second hint: for X100 - lived about 500 years. For x1000-do you want to know where this phrase came from?;
  • The third hint: for X100, the extra letter "A". For x1000 - extra letter "O";
  • Fourth hint: for x1000 - "always smiling".
On x100, the quest is over, the winner is FunWithGun! Congratulations! The phrase "where is my precious" from the movie the Lord of the rings was made.
On x1000, the quest is over, the winner is LordRaiden! Congratulations! The phrase "draw a smile" (draw a smile) from the movie the Dark knight was made.
Detailed description
  • The inventory must have the exact number of required letters. If there are extra letters (or Vice versa missing), the answer will not be accepted, even if it is written correctly;
  • The words are English;
  • Some letters may be repeated in the word, you must also have several letters in the eventar;
  • Use spaces between words (there are several words, there must be a space);
  • The person who guessed the phrase will be announced immediately automatically in the global chat (in the center of the screen);
  • As soon as the words are solved, the quest will stop, the letters will stop falling out of the monsters;
  • One extra letter;
  • The phrase may not be related to Mu Online;
  • Books are not transferred, are not sold in the Store (only in the store of Lorencia) and are not thrown out;
  • the phrases are different On each server.

Promotions and gifts!

  • All players receive VIP for a period of 10 days (if VIP is already available, it will be extended);
  • Until January 15, when buying credits (or wmz), 10% on High and 5% on Medium as a gift!
  • From December 31 from 12: 00, every 30-40 minutes, the draw will start 60 promo codes for Medium x100 and 40 promo codes for High x1000, with a discount from 5 to 10%. Promo codes provide a discount in the store, you must enter the code on store page. One code is assigned to one player, the other can no longer use it. You will not be able to summarize the codes. Promo discount is valid until 15.01.2017;
  • From December 31 from 12: 30, every 50-60 minutes, a GM Box will be given to a random player. From the box, you can get a thing, as in Kundun Box +4 and +5. The nickname of the player who received the prize is written in the center of the screen. The prize will automatically appear in the inventory if there is room, otherwise it will fall under the character. A total of 100 GM boxes will be donated. Players who are offline, offline trading/pumping can not receive a prize;
  • For High x1000, a 10% discount in the store on all items until January 20.

Minor changes

  • fixed a visual lag on Coliseum Battle, in which participants killed 3 times saw the living under the invisibility shield;
  • fixed a problem with the sound of falling stones;
  • by X100, reduced HP at the gates and statues in Blood Castle;
  • fixed returning a paid post and blocking the character's QM after quests;
  • fixed disabling the macro on alt when the clicker is enabled;
  • siege on x1000 postponed to January 2;
  • reset character points on the site is available every 12 hours.
Compact schedule of new year's events

  • Guess the phrase: December 30 at 10: 00;
  • Promo codes: December 31 from 12: 00;
  • GM Box: December 31 from 12: 30;
  • Medusa soldiers: December 31 at 19: 00;
  • Battle with Medusa: after the murder of Santa Claus;
  • Eat fruit: from January 2 at 10: 00 to January 10 at 23: 59.
servers will be Restarted on 29.12.2017 from 18: 30 to 19: 00 (possibly later).


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