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Creation of 2 wings Date last modified: 26.03.2023

Chaos Goblin Any player who has reached level 215 and completed the quest for Second Class can equip Level 2 Wings, which give a much greater bonus to attack and defense than first wings. In this article we will analyze the creation of wings of the second level. And we will also try to pay attention to all the subtleties when creating wings.
Creation of the second wings
Loch's Feather
Loch's Feather
Crest of Monarh
Crest of Monarh
To create the second wings, we need not so many ingredients:
  • Jewel of chaos;
  • Any first wings;
  • Loch's Feather (if you're making wings for BK, SM, ME, MG) or Crest of Monarch (if you're making a cloak for DL).
Action algorithm:
  • Once we collect all the ingredients, go to Chaos Goblin (Noria 180,103)
  • After talking to him, select the button Regular Combination
  • We put all the necessary ingredients in the chaos machine window that opens
  • Press the Combining button and we get the desired second wings, although they may not turn out to be of the type we need.
To increase the percentage of cooking, I advise you to use any Excellent item +4 (except for rings and amulets). But it is worth noting that the percentage of cooking has an upper limit, more than 90 it does not rise.
Regular Combination Regular Combination
Note that the type and options of the wings are completely random (random) and do not depend on the type and quality of the ingredients.
Views of the second wings
There are four types of second wings and cape on our server:
  • Wings of Dragon for BK
  • Wings of Soul for SM
  • Wings of Spirit for ME
  • Wings of Darkness for MG
  • Cape of Lord for DL
Wings Of Dragon Wings Of Soul Wings Of Spirit Wings Of Darkness Cape of Lord
Second wings options
  • Automatic HP recovery +1/2/3/4/5/6/7%
    (Automatically restores percentage of HP - life);
  • Additional dmg +4/8/12/16/20/24/28
    (Additional damage);
  • Additional wizardry dmg +4/8/12/16/20/24/28
    (Inflicting bonus magic damage);
  • Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%)
    Luck (critical damage rate +5%)

    (Increased Jewel of Soul enchant rate by 25%)
    (Increase the percentage of critical damage dealt (damage is highlighted in blue);
  • Increase Max HP +50
    (Addition to existing HP level (with each level of wings, the addition increases by 5);
  • Increase Max Mana +50
    (Addition to existing Mana level (with each level of wings, the addition increases by 5);
  • Ignore opponent's defensive power by 3%
    (Your hit will have a 3% chance to ignore your opponent's defense and deal damage assuming their defense is zero. Such damage will be highlighted in yellow);
  • Max AG +50 increased (does not apply to Cape of Lord)
    (Adds 50 AG (stamina);
  • Increase Command +10 (Cape of Lord only)
    (Addition to existing Cmd level (addition increases by 5 with each cloak level).

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