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Quest for 3nd profession Date last modified: 26.03.2023

Profession 3 quest allows you to equip level 3 wings, and is also required to complete the Waves on the High x1000 server.
The quest is taken from Priest Devin, located on the map Cry Wolf (coordinates 228x48). Priest only spawns when you successfully kill Balgass.
Priest Devin
To take 3 quests, you need:
  • For Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Fairy elf - have completed 2nd quest and Marlon'a.
  • Be at least level 380.
  • Have some Zen (about 50kk).
Quest for the 3rd profession, consists of 3 parts.

  1. Find the right ingredients.
  2. Kill certain monsters in Camp of Balagass.
  3. Kill Dark Elf in Balgass Refuge.
1 part. Find ingredients:
Attention! Playing order is important, first parts from Tarkan 2, then Aida and finally Icarus.
  1. Knock out three 3rd Quest Mu online Flame of Death Beam Knight from Death Beam Knight are on Tarkan2 (157x217).
  2. Knock out three 3rd Quest Mu online Horn of Hell Maine from Hell Main, located on Aida (120x57).
  3. Knock out three 3rd Quest Mu online Feather of Phoenix of Darkness from Dark Phoenix, located on Icarus (45x215).
Once you've found all 9 pieces, take them to Priest Devin and start the 2nd part of the quest. The information is the property of the site
Part 2. Kill monsters:
Travel to Cry Wolf to NPC Werewolf Quarrel (60x240) who will take you to the map Camp of Balagass, where you have to kill 10 monsters of three types.
Soram Mu online Death Spirit Mu online Balram Mu online
After that, go back to Priest Devin and get the last task. The information is the property of the site
part 3. Kill Dark Elf:
We go to Cry Wolf to the NPC Werewolf Quarrel (60x240), which will take you to the map Camp of Balagass, then go to GateKeeper (120x168), who let us into the Balgass Refuge map. There you will have to fight Dark Elf.
Dark Elf Mu online
After that, go back to Priest Devin and get the 3rd profession.

  • Blade Knight becomes Blade Master
  • Soul Master becomes Grand Master
  • Muse Elf becomes High Elf
  • Magic Gladiator becomes Duel Master
  • Dark Lord becomes Lord Emperor
The information is the property of the site
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