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Viết bằng tg: murred
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Pickle x1000: c0ldrage
Pickle x1000: dyssseee
Pickle x1000: zhoskey
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Pickle x1000: 1BlackCoRe1
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Tạo: 22.09.2022 Pickle x1000Lịch sự kiệnForum
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Marlon's quest
After completing the 2nd profession quest and reaching level 220, you can take the quest from Marlon. Marlon can be found in one of the locations: Lorencia (137x87), Devias (198x47), Atlans (17x25), Noria (169x89). The quest is intended only for standard races (MG and DL quests do not need to be completed). Quest at Marlon gives the following features:
Sequence of pressing phrases in the dialog:
- I want to hear more;
- Why is that;
- I shall try;
- I will return with it.
The quest is to find Ring of Honor, which drops into Tarkan. As soon as we knock him out, we return to Marlon. We hand over the quest to him by selecting the Proceed with quest button in the dialogue, and we get one free point for each lvl above 220, as well as six points for each subsequent lvl instead of the usual five. If you are SM or ME then your adventures will end there, but if you are BK then you will continue. |
Ring of Honor eliminated Tarcan in the spot (75,202), spent about ten minutes of his time.
Sequence of pressing phrases in the dialog:
- I would like to hear more;
- What do I need to do;
- Then I shall try;
- I shall return with the 'Dark Stone'.
This time we need to find the Dark Stone. As soon as we find him, we return to Marlon, hand over the quest item to him, and in return he teaches us a combo strike. |
Dark Stone eliminated Tarcan in the spot (75,202) in five minutes.
It is worth noting that after each reset, in order to receive 6 points, we must again go through the Hero Status quest.
All the above places for knocking out quest items are optional, if you have free time, you can run around with an active quest and see where else the items fall.
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