Hiện không có luồng nào đang hoạt động nhưng bạn có thể chạy kênh của mình trên twitch.
Luồng của bạn sẽ có sẵn trên tất cả các trang của trang web.
Viết bằng tg: murred
Offtrade - this is the sale of the items you put up in a personal store, on the server, but you do not need to
to be in the game, you have the opportunity to put the character up for trade and go about your business.
Personal Store
To create a personal store and sell things online, for zen, open the inventory with the V key, then open the personal store with the S( the opportunity to open a store appears with
Level 6).
Move items to your personal store and enter the price you want to sell for.
Type in the store name and click ok.
The selling price for zen must be at least 5,000 or you won't be able to sell the item.
Max selling price of an item up to 1kkk (1,000,000,000).
Offline trading basics
All exhibited items in offline trade can be viewed on the market page. Browsing on the site is designed for easy search of the necessary thing.
To sell items for credits or zen offline, you must already have an open store
(how to open it is written above)
Offline sales can only be on the Loren Market map.
It is possible to sell things for credits or zen.
The price of an item sold for credits must be at least 2 credits, otherwise it cannot be bought.
The price of an item sold for zen must be at least 5,000 zen, otherwise it cannot be bought.
After you have created a personal store, write the command /offtrade credits
(sell for credits) or /offtrade zen(sell for zen)
After writing one of the commands, you will be kicked out of the server, but the character will remain trading.
Also, after placing an offtrader, the inscription .::CREDIT SHOP::. will appear above it
(meaning items in the store are sold for credits) or .::ZEN SHOP::.
(meaning items in the store are sold for zen)